
All Departments

Responsible for pastoral and evangelical development, understanding situations of different congregations and helping to establish a mode of pastoral care, planning trainings for co-workers and volunteers, and implementing and supervising church planting projects etc.

Responsible for nurturing believers and development of gospel music, and helping local
congregations to implement personal devotions and trainings etc.

Responsible for development of youth work, and assisting congregations in running youth programmes.

Responsible for the provision of family education and development of adult ministry, as well as
reaching out to persons who are single, single-parent families and the elderly.

Responsible for implementing overseas missionary projects, as well as enhancing the awareness of the need of missionary work and collaboration among congregations etc.

Responsible for school management and development which in line with the spirit of school education in Christianity.

Responsible for implementing, planning and developing social service programmes and evaluating the effectiveness of the programmes which in line with the serving spirit in Christianity.

Responsible for matters concerning pastors and evangelists of the Church such as their hiring and
dismissal , redeployment, leave arrangements, further studies, retirement, pensions, as well as other matters like manpower reserve, selection of candidates, and trainings etc.

Responsible for church-related mass media projects, publications and supervising the Taosheng
Publishing House etc.

Responsible for financial matters of the Church, proper use of resources, salaries and subsidies for co-workers, provident fund management, and education on stewardship etc.

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