Taosheng Publishing House is the publishing arm of the ELCHK. It was formerly the Publishing House of the Chinese Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Publishing House located in Shekow, Hubei in 1913. In 1951, the two publishers were re-organized into the Joint Lutheran Publishing House. In 1959, there was a second re-organization, during which Lutheran churches in Taiwan and Hong Kong jointly formed the Taosheng Publishing House. Since the church in Taiwan and the one in Hong Kong were separated geographically, it became inconvenient for the two churches to engage in joint publication work. Consequently, an agreement was reached in 1982 under which the two publishers remained independent while maintaining close contacts and keeping open channels for cooperation.
Faithful to its aim of “Speaking For the Word”, Taosheng Publishing House publishes books for theological education and writings of pastors and scholars as materials for evangelization and nurturing Christians. The Publishing House specializes in publication and serving as a sole agent in the wholesaling, retailing and promotion of such publications; it also organizes activities such as Sunday bookselling counters and Christian literature Sundays in congregations, etc. All activities have a common goal of introducing good books to the general Christian community, so that books become flesh and blood, capable of transforming lives. On production, we undertake the production of books, magazines and hymn collection for churches, schools and individuals. We operate a bookstore at 50 Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon.
Apart from publication, we are aware of the importance of evangelization and pastoral care in the mainland through written literature. With this in mind, we started the Mainland Christian literature ministry to address to this area of concern. We give books and publications to graduates from mainland theological seminaries, so that they can make full use of such resources to strengthen the nurturing and education of believers, and to establish a correct foundation of what we believe in.
Taosheng Publishing House
- 3/F, Luther House, Waterloo Road 50A, Yau Ma Tei, Kln, H.K.
- (852)2388-7061
- (852)2781-0413
Taosheng Bookstore
- G/F, 50 Waterloo Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, HK
- 2388 7681 / 2332 4248
Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri (11:30 -20:00)
Sat (10:30 -18:00)
Sun (12:00 -17:00)
Lunch: (14:00 -15:00)
Closed on General Holidays
For more information, please click the link.


